Friday, October 30, 2009

OK the photography on these two needs some help, but I wanted to see them on my blog as a set. This is how I'd like to sell them probably framed or mounted on black.

Back off

I've been away visiting family for a few days with no way to paint. It rained both days we were there and the house is too nice to mess up with oils! Went to visit the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Fords, PA. What a great place. I came back really pumped up to get back to my peppers and move on to new ideas. One of the things I saw at the museum were black and white oil paintings done by NC Wyeth, Homer Pyle and a few other illustrators. Anyway, here is the last in my pepper series. I didn't change the composition because the peppers had started to change color, shrivel and one was beginning to rot! Another pepper was nibbled on by the mice, so I guess I won't be leaving my still life out

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hide and Seek

Tried to add more color and more peppers. I think I like this cropped version better compositionally. Photos are fuzzy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Second attempt with peppers and stainless steel bowl.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Come on In 8*" x 8*' oil on canvas

Peppers, hot and curly. Fun to paint, lots of nooks and crannies. The reflections made some great shapes. Round one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lean on Me

Right after I finished I took the knife and you guessed it, made these pears into lunch. Yummy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Who's the Big Guy?

Still working on pears. They have changed color over the last few days. I am working quickly trying to get a series of four done before they rot! Keeping it simple so I can get back into the swing of painting daily without the stress of what to paint. Setup can take me FOREVER. So here are the latest two in a series of four. All 8 x 8" in oil on canvas board.
Done using thicker paint and a palette knife and brushes. Like the extra paint.

Did this one first. The bottle seems like it's tipping.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Tipsy 8" x 8" oli

Working on pears this week since they are in season and come in so many great colors. I like the colors here and had fun with the background. the composition makes me feel a little seasick! try again tomorrow.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Apple season - so heres are my apple paintings. all are 8 x8" oil on canvas panel. I used only three colors plus white- cad red, cad. yellow and ultramarine blue. I want to do one more in the series before I cut them up. then I think I'll do pears.

Back at it.....

After taking the summer off from daily painting, I am happy to be back at it. All summer long I was teaching art at a local summer camp. Lots of fun but no time or energy left over to paint. So now things are getting back to normal and I am working on developing the habit of daily paintings and blogging. Recently I went to Spain with a group of artists from church to paint murals for a retreat center. I'll post those photos too. First here are some examples of the work done this summer by my students ages 7 - 13. enjoy!